Renewable energy, or green energy, is a renewable source replenished on a human timescale, with solar, wind, hydropower, bioenergy, and geothermal power being the most widely used types. These natural, self-replenishing energy sources typically have a low- or zero-carbon footprint. In Africa, despite its abundant energy resources, many citizens lack access to affordable energy, contributing to poor economic and social development. To address this issue, this International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications 2025 aims to bring together researchers, engineers, manufacturers, practitioners, and customers from around the world to discuss advancements in renewable energy research and applications.
In line with UN SDG7 – Affordable & Clean Energy - the results of this conference should assist these countries and their citizens have increasing access to electricity, particularly in rural areas, increasing the use of renewable energy sources like solar and wind, improving energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Increase international cooperation to share clean energy research and technology and mitigate climate change through energy transition and other climate change adaptation strategies.
Topics within the scope of the conference include the following areas, but are not limited to:
Mark your calendar with these critical dates to ensure you don't miss any important deadlines for the upcoming conference.
Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile – Ife, Osun State
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